To the GMU Board of Visitors
I am writing you concerning GMU’s proposed 12,000 seat “temporary” cricket stadium that your staff briefed the Fairfax City Council meeting on 14 February 2024. I would like you to consider halting/postponing the construction of this facility until infrastructure can be in place and the effort can be in compliance with all state and local zoning regulations.
I have several concerns and this effort that I would like you to respond, mainly dealing with the total lack of GMU’s transparency, your use of your special status, and the use of the Public-Private Education and Infrastructure act of 2002.
Transparency. GMU provided to the Department of Environmental Quality your Environmental Impact Report and there seems to be some inconsistencies with what was provided to DEQ in your EIR and what your staff/Mr Grovil is briefing to the general public. Can you please explain the discrepancies:
1) EIR: 3,000 seats on bleachers – leads DEQ that the stadium is for 3,000 personnel.
GMU Staff Briefing to the Fairfax City stated a stadium for 12,000 personnel. What is the proposed capacity of the temporary stadium?
2) EIR: The proposed temporary cricket filed and ancillary facilities would be in place for approximately two months.
GMU: Mr. Govil – will have use of the facility for other activities. What is the duration of the proposed use of the stadium by Mr. Govil and when will it be available for the GMU baseball team?
3) EIR: While access to the proposed facility relies on the existing transportation network and services, and events would occur outside of the academic year during summer.
GMU: Mr. Govil has stated he plans to use it for other events. This appears to be greater than just the 2 months. With access to the park with only one entrance from Braddock, and the closest parking 1.25 miles from the stadium, it appears GMU plans to park the 12,000 attendees in the residential areas across the street. What are GMU’s plans on eliminating the traffic congestion and parking in residential areas?
4) EIR: Land use on the micro-scale would change in the areas where new construction would occur. The Proposed Action is consistent with GMU’s planned use of this site and with surrounding land use.
GMU: The GMU 2017 Site plan for the West Campus stated that significant infrastructure to include widening of Braddock road to 6 lanes would be required. Would GMU please explain how the land use is in accordance with the GMY 2017 West Campus plan since no infrastructure improvements would be executed?
5) EIR: There would be no short-term or long-term increases in traffic levels due to the Proposed Action. However, there would be mid-term increases, throughout the duration of the World-Cup Warm- Up matches & Major League Cricket matches. The matches would be broadcast live, and to accommodate overseas viewing audiences, most matches would be played in the late morning and early afternoon (i.e., starting approximately 10:00 a.m.). Therefore, while traffic would increase in the mid-term, traffic peaks related to the cricket matches would occur in off-hours related to normal traffic peaks. All traffic impacts would be minor. 35,00 cars per day were included in the EIR.
GMU: The cricket stadium, according to Mr. Grovil would be used for other events and he plans on this stadium to become permanent. The current daily traffic is 39,000 vehicles per day with 37,000 based on an average weekend/weekday. How does GMU explain the impact would be minor given the additional traffic of 12,000 stadium attendees, all entering the facility from one road off of Braddock? Also what is GMU’s plan for parking as the closest parking area is 1.25 miles from the stadium?
6) EIR: Mid-term, the Proposed Action would result in increases in noise levels due to fan participation in cricket matches and baseball games. These impacts would range from negligible to minor, depending on crowd size.
GMU: The stadium is 150 feet from a residential area, Jumbotrons and live broadcast of the games will occur. Does GMU consider this minor noise? Does GMU plan on having Jumbotrons and live broadcast of the cricket events? What is GMU plans to reducing the noise and light impact on the community?
7) EIR: The proposed temporary cricket field and ancillary facilities would be in place for approximately two months. Following the World-Cup Warm-Up and Major League Cricket matches, the rented bleachers would be dismantled and removed from the site by the rental agency. The turfgrass would remain and b converted to a baseball diamond.
GMU: The Cricket stadium drawings do not contain any reference to a baseball diamond, and there are no dugouts included in the drawings. In addition, we understand the Grass for a Cricket stadium, is special grass, and cannot be used for baseball and will be removed and baseball dirt installed. Can GMU explain how the facility will be transitioned from a Cricket stadium to the Baseball stadium?
8) Could you please explain the Cricket Stadium business plan and the revenue that the Cricket stadium will generate for GMU? We do not understand the business model and revenue generation from the Cricket stadium for a two-month period and the cost required to transition the stadium from cricket to baseball and the significant cost required for the transition?
I appreciate the opportunity to ask these questions and I look forward to your response and your participation in the town hall meeting on the 12th of March
LTC (Retired) Kevin Knotts